Nostalgia 2.1.9 release


Updated content


  • [Unity2018.3.0f2 or later] Corresponds to hit search by search word in Nostalgia setting in Preferences window.


  • Fixed an exception caused by reference of Tile occurred when updating MapCollider.
  • Fix to immediately reflect on map when changing TileCollider type.
  • Fix to immediately reflect polygon editing of Tile Polygon Collider or Tile Edge Collider on the map.
  • [Unity2019.1.0b3 corresponding] Fixed that Inspector of TileSet is not displayed properly.
  • [Unity2019.1.0b3 corresponding] Fix warning by ObsoleteAttribute.

Asset Store

Update procedure

Please follow the procedure below when importing Nostalgia which upgraded to existing project.

  1. Be sure to back up the project before updating.
  2. If you are opening an existing scene, create a new scene from “File / New Scene” in the menu.
  3. Delete the Nostalgia folder that has already been imported.
  4. Import a new version of Nostalgia.