About trial version
- You can not use it for purposes other than trial use.
- Product version requires 1 seat 1 license.
- It is prohibited to use the product version only for the build environment and to use the trial version in the development environment.
Restrictions on trial version
- Core processing can not be edited because it is made into DLL.
- Reverse engineering is prohibited.
- Runtime restrictions
- Map component deleted 2 minutes after the game started.
- Display of “Nostalgia2 Trial” on game screen.
- (Play on the Unity editor is available without restriction)
- Build restrictions
- IL2CPP build not available.
- Function restrictions
- Restrict the export of normal maps from the NormalMapGenerator window.
- Since the GUID of the script is different from the product version, various assets and components cannot be shared between the product version and the trial version.
Asset Store
Purchase from here!
“Trial” をダウンロード
NostalgiaTrial_2.2.3.unitypackage – 217 回のダウンロード – 2.44 MBNote
If your browser is Firefox, the downloaded data may be corrupted.
If the package import fails, please download it with another browser such as Edge or Chrome.