
About map editing in Editor

It takes time to paint a wide range with a rectangular tool or a bucket tool


  • When Collider is set in tile, Collider is also generated at the time of placement, so it takes time because of generation processing within Unity.


  • We are considering improvement measures as future tasks.
  • As a temporary coping method, please be careful so that the filling range does not become too wide.

If the number of Collider increases, the operation in the Scene view will be dropped


  • Because 1 Collider is allocated to 1 tile, as loading Collider increases, only loading Gizmo will result in high load.


  • Click the “Gizmos” dropdown in the Scene view and uncheck the displayed Collider 2D (BoxCollider 2D, PolygonCollider 2D, etc.).

It is difficult to see the grid display of the Scene view and the grid display of the Map covered


  • Click the “Gizmos” dropdown in the Scene view and uncheck “Show Grid”.

About Map drawing

A noticeable line is drawn at the boundary of the tile


  • Because it picks up the pixel next to the tile texture during drawing.


Texture Settings

Please check the setting of the texture assigned to TileSet

  1. Select texture allocated from Project window
  2. Uncheck Generate MipMap
  3. Set Filter Mode to “Point”
  4. Change Format to “Truecolor”.
    (For Unity 5.5 and later, set Compression to None)

Disable anti-aliasing

If anti-aliasing is enabled, please disable it.

  1. Select “Editor”> “Project Settiings”> “Quality” on the menu
  2. In the Inspector window, change “Anti Aliasing” to “Disabled”.
    (It is necessary to change at every Levels to use)

Aspect setting of Game window

Drawing of an unintended tile boundary may occur when the height of screen size becomes odd.
Here, we will explain how to deal with it when it occurs on the Game window of the Unity editor.
(Please be aware that it also happens if you build the window so that the size of the window can be changed or the vertical width is fixed to odd value.)

  • Fix it by designating the pixel size assuming the actual game size
  • Or press the Stats button and check the height of the screen and adjust the window size so that it does not become an odd number.

It does not display as pixel perfect


  • Due to the relaxation of the boundary line of the tile, the UV coordinates are shifted inward
  • Because you need a script to match screen size, camera position etc to pixel perfect.
    (We currently do not support these scripts)


Invalidate inversion process

Please be aware that if you disable it, it becomes easier for conspicuous lines to be generated unless you set “A noticeable line is drawn at the boundary of the tile”.

  1. Select TileSet in Project window
  2. In the Inspector window, select Tile.
  3. Change Tile ‘s Uv Shift Inside to 0.

The texture coordinates of the tile are shifted and drawn


  • Because it manages the texture of the size enlarged and reduced within Unity separately from the width of each side of the texture image
    • In an environment not compatible with NPOT, when the size of the texture is not the power size of 2
    • When Max Size of the texture setting is set smaller than the size of the image


Please check the texture assigned to the TileSet

  1. Make the width of each side of the assigned texture the power of 2 size (256, 512, 1024, etc.)
    (When changing the canvas size, change the size according to the upper left criterion in terms of the position setting of the tile)
  2. Select texture allocated from Project window
  3. Increase if Max Size is smaller than width of image
  4. If the Scene view is not updated, press the Map Refresh button, or press the Play button once to put it in the execution state

Batches (Draw call) gets more


  • For the convenience of limiting the number of vertices that can be handled by one mesh, Nostlagia manages the mesh in chunks of 1 mesh per 32 x 32 tiles.
    Although this chunk is also subject to dynamic batching, there are restrictions such as the number of vertices, so it is highly likely that if many tiles are arranged in one chunk it will not be batched.
    For details, see Draw Call Batching in Unity Manual.

[blogcard url=”https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/DrawCallBatching.html”]


  • Nostalgia creates a mesh that combines tiles as much as possible, so basically it is fine to leave it to dynamic batching.
  • Whether or not to be subject to dynamic batching depends on the drawing order and the number of vertices as long as a common material is used,
    If there are multiple maps with few tiles arranged, the possibility of batching will increase if you review the rendering order.

SetPass calls will increase


  • In Nostalgia, even if there are multiple maps, SetPass calls is reduced as long as the material that TileSet refers to is common.
    Conversely, if you do not prepare and share many materials, SetPass calls will increase.
  • If there is another material such as a character sprite between the background map and the foreground map, SetPass calls will increase due to the drawing order.


  • Texture of tiles should be combined as much as possible and prepared materials that can be shared.
  • Adjust Sorting Layer and Order in Layer so that Map using Map Material is rendered as continuous as possible.

Can I use it for content that needs rating (age limit etc)?

Nostalgia 2 can be used for content that needs to be rated (such as age limit).

However, as a result of using it, caitsithware will not be responsible for the content expression.